Cedar Bouquet


If you're in need for a little winter embellishment, look no further than this realistic faux cedar bouquet. Great for use during the holidays, you can use as the base foundation of a design, or simply add in as needed to fill out an existing arrangement-the possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

Dimensions: 9"L x 9"W x 8"

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If you're in need for a little winter embellishment, look no further than this realistic faux cedar bouquet. Great for use during the holidays, you can use as the base foundation of a design, or simply add in as needed to fill out an existing arrangement-the possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

Dimensions: 9"L x 9"W x 8"

If you're in need for a little winter embellishment, look no further than this realistic faux cedar bouquet. Great for use during the holidays, you can use as the base foundation of a design, or simply add in as needed to fill out an existing arrangement-the possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

Dimensions: 9"L x 9"W x 8"

LED Candle - Smoke Glass 8"
White Timber Pillar Candle 9"
Print Block Offering Bowl
3 Section Server